Hosted by the GSM Association and in conjunction with the Family Online Safety Institute this two day of international roundtable brought together some of the leading academics, industry thinkers and child advocates. With attendees from 58 organizations, 7 countires and 3 continents it provided a unique insight into the issues and challenges that an ever more pervasive Internet brings.
This first day took an indepth look at mobile device safety. With research from both leading academics and industry, this evidence-based debate moved on to examine current initiatives and future trends.
The second day, coinciding as it did with the publication of the Digital Britain Report, looked in detail at its recommendations and compared it with other universal broadband initiatives in Europe and the United States.
Keynote speakers and panellists included Aaron Rattue (GfK), Professor Sonia Livingstone (LSE), Professor Rich Ling (Telenor Research Institute), Jason De Bono (DCSF), Annie Mullins (Voadfone), Trish Chursh (Orange), Maria Jose Cantarino de Frias (Telefonica), John Carr (CCCISS), Robin Blake (Ofcom), Derek Wyatt (MP), Antony Walker (BSG) and Michael McKeehan (Verizon).
See the event agenda here.