
Covid-19 and the Return of the Free Range Kid

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May 27, 2020
Webinar, Register for Access


May 27, 2020
Webinar, Register for Access

The full webinar discussion can be viewed here.

The global pandemic has upended the rhythm of life for most families. Parents are either doing their best to homeschool their kids while working from home, or heading out to do essential jobs. Kids are missing the structure and routine of school, extracurricular activities, sports - and now even summer camp is endangered.

Much attention is being given to the psychological toll this is taking on adults and children alike, but there is another lesson emerging in this time of lockdown. While parents are busy working to find solutions for the new challenges they’re facing, kids are being given greater freedom to structure their days. They are figuring out their own ways to be creative, both online and outdoors, in ways we haven’t seen in years. Some would say that they are flourishing.

On Wednesday, May 27, Stephen Balkam, Founder & CEO of FOSI, moderated a discussion with two remarkable experts in their fields to help us explore the new (and old) ways that kids are adapting to new normals within this national crisis:

Peter Gray is an author and research professor of psychology at Boston College who has conducted and published research in neuroendocrinology, developmental psychology, anthropology, and education. He is a founding board member of Let Grow, and president of the nonprofit Alliance for Self-Directed Education (ASDE), which is aimed at creating a world in which children’s natural ways of learning are facilitated rather than suppressed.

Lenore Skenazy is co-founder and president of Let Grow, a nonprofit promoting independence as a critical part of childhood, and the author of Free Range Kids: How to Raise Safe, Self-Reliant Children (Without Going Nuts with Worry). At Let Grow, Lenore oversees school programs, an online community, and legislative efforts all promoting the idea that when adults step back, kids step up, growing resourceful, resilient -- and ready for the world.

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Stephen Balkam

Founder & CEO
Family Online Safety Institute

Lenore Skenazy

Co-Founder & President
Let Grow

Peter Gray

Research Professor
Department of Psychology, Boston College


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