Julie Inman Grant

Australian Government

eSafety Commissioner

Julie Inman Grant is Australia’s eSafety Commissioner. In this role, Julie leads the world’s first government regulatory agency committed to keeping its citizens safer online.

The Commissioner’s career began at the US Congress in Washington, DC before joining Microsoft, where Julie spent 17 years in various corporate affairs roles.  At Twitter, she set up the company’s policy and philanthropy programs across Australia, New Zealand and Southeast Asia, before driving Asia–Pacific-wide government relations for Adobe.

As eSafety Commissioner since January 2017, Julie has overseen a significant expansion of eSafety’s regulatory responsibilities under the Online Safety Act and increased staffing levels. She has alsolaunched innovative programs such as the Safety by Design and Women in the Spotlight initiatives. She has also established herself as a nimble and anticipatory regulator, establishing the innovative tech trends horizon scanning program in 2020.  

Julie serves on the Advisory Board of the Technology Policy Design Centre. She served as co-founder and inaugural chair of the Global Online Safety Regulators Network and is a long-serving Board Member of the WePROTECT Global Alliance.   She also serves on the World Economic Forum’s Global Coalition for Digital Safety; represents Australia on the Global Partnership for Action on Gender-Based Harassment and Abuse, and serves on France’s Laboratory for Women’s Rights Online.  

The Commissioner was recently deemed one of the top 150 women in the global cyber profession for the third year running.  

You can find out more about eSafety’s structure and what we do at www.esafety.gov.au.

