Amogh has training and background in Public Policy and a specialty in Non-profit leadership and Management. In his recent work, he provided his policy and nonprofit expertise in a consultancy for Bankers Without Borders, a partnership with Grameen Foundation. Here he provided an organizational assessment of Youthreach, a Nonprofit in New Delhi, India. Additionally, this summer he provided his policy research and grant writing skills, where in the summer of 2018 he aided Afghans for Afghanistan’s Development (AFAD) in applying for a grant for Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-size Enterprises (COMSE) proposed by the EU commission. The grant was focused on creating small Microfinance enterprises for women empowerment programs which AFAD had been implementing in more economically depressed regions of Afghanistan.
He is a recent graduate of the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, College Park and holds and M.P.P. in Public Policy with Specialization in Nonprofit Management and Leadership and also holds a B.A. in Economics both which he received from the University of Maryland.
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