Pascale Raulin-Serrier


Senior Adviser in Digital Education & Coordinator of the international Digital Education Working Group

Pascale Raulin-Serrier holds a postgraduate degree in European Community Law (Pantheon-Sorbonne University) and joined the French Data Protection Authority (the CNIL) in 2005 at the European and international affairs Department. Pascale has been working since 2012 as an expert in the CNIL’s Digital Education Unit for the development of collaborative projects targeted towards children, Youth and teachers. Pascale is currently addressing awareness workshops and training activities on privacy best practices. She has been leading for ten years the GPA (Global Privacy Assembly) international working group of 80 Regulators aiming at fostering capacity building, sharing resources in privacy matters and promoting children’s rights in the digital environment. Pascale has worked on the adoption of several GPA Resolutions in Digital Privacy Education, on e-learning platforms, on Children’s digital rights, and a Personal Data Protection Competency framework for school students, Pascale also works as a member of the Council of Europe’s expert group on Digital Citizenship Education.

